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A small desk area addition

Small home office Home Depot

I was talking to someone a few weeks ago and he said, I love a small house! Which, although easier said than done, so do I. I anticipate moving into something larger one day, but I also love the challenge of a small house. It forces you to declutter regularly, and make the most of the space you've got. And if done right, it can be so satisfying to live in a human-scale house - more relaxing, too. I have no issues with big houses that have pleasing proportions, but I do take issue with thoughtless, cavernous spaces that have little to do with how well we live.

So. One of the things I thought we needed in this house was an office. Welp, there is no office. Right now we don't even have a second bathroom (or an updated first, but please, one thing at a time).

But! Happily, what we did have, was a blank little area in our kitchen.

The nook's humble beginnings were as a walk-through to what is now our bedroom (remember when I said I didn't have pictures of this pre-closed up doorway? Turns out I was wrong! I found one!)

1228 walk through door before

After the kitchen was done, it just became an open space next to the refrigerator.

1228 closed kitchen wall  pre desk

I talked to the people who sold us the walnut for the open shelves, and they had a beautiful, matching piece of wood left which worked perfectly for the desk top. Then I asked my contractor if he could build a desk area with cubbies and storage above.

1228 desk area

1228 desk area Copper
1228 desk area Copper
1228 desk area Copper
1228 desk area Copper

And if you're wondering why it's not cluttered with a giant paper calendar, reminders, stamps, a pencil sharpener and various other detritus, well, that's because I took all of that off to take these pictures ;) I mean, you gotta live, too. 

PS - I am working on a four-apartment design project right now, which you can see in its various stages on my instagram feed, but I will also do before and afters here, once we're done (November-ish). I'm so excited!

(top image via Home Depot)


I wish you could design my living room lol. It's amazing

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My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
