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A quick trip to the mountains

June rope swing

Last week we went up to Cleveland, SC for a quick trip to the mountains with our friends :) It was super 1950's idyllic, with just a bunch of chill houses clustered together around a lake and the Saluda River. 

June Truett jump off platform


There were several highlights to the trip including an breathtaking rope swing, and a higher-than-it-looks jumping platform into the lake.

Truett platform

Aaaaaand...on the second night we were there, I was outside eating dinner with my friend when I spotted a BLACK BEAR! No lie! I don't have a picture - of course I was without my phone at the moment - but he just ambled towards the driveway and then walked off. 

Such a day dream to splash around in the river rapids, meander up mountain trails, and eat plenty of corn on the cob and watermelon.

How's your summer going so far? 

Truett rope swing video:

IMG_2779 from Elizabeth Sypert on Vimeo.

June rope swing video:

IMG_2781 from Elizabeth Sypert on Vimeo.

Kids walk


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About Me

My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
