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A few Friday links & our new business page


I have a couple of cool links I really wanted to share + if you haven't already seen it on Facebook, my good friend Liz and I recently launched a little business called The Well Curated Home. We have been busy finding beautiful furniture and transforming it with chalk paint into gorgeous statement pieces that can be bought :) My only struggle right now is resisting the urge to keep most of the stuff myself. We are about to list two oversized terrariums, and don't think I haven't tried to figure out where they could go in our house.

So! First up is a rattan rolling cart from Food52 that I just think is SO COOL. They say, "Finally, a cute upgrade from the dreaded (but infinitely useful) granny cart." Haha. A good way to be stylish and eco-friendly, too.

THEN, when Liz and I were putting together our terrariums last night, she casually mentioned this guy, who planted a terrarium in 1960 and has ONLY WATERED IT ONCE in all of those years. June read the article to us on the way to school this morning, and it's fascinating. 

Lastly, Truett had State Finals for Odyssey of the Mind tomorrow and I am SO excited to see his team perform. I've been trying to avoid talking about it too much in front of him because he's experiencing some major stage fright over the whole thing (he keeps asking if he can bail, haha, poor guy) but this morning I did burst out with how much I was looking forward to it. He replied, "yeah, I'm terrified." I do feel for him, but I'm confident that when all is said and done he'll appreciate that creative rush of doing something difficult, but rewarding.

Have a great weekend!


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About Me

My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
