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Fall Wardrobe Refresh

I love clothes & wardrobe posts because they give me the fun of dreaming, without the price tag. Sometimes I buy the things I put here, other times I just visit them once in a while :) 

Here are a few of my newest favorite fall pieces although, let's be honest, down here in South Carolina, I won't get to use anything like this for quite a while. In fact, our Halloween's tend to be quite hot so you have to plan accordingly. Tights = sweat. (In a related, mini-heartbreak, Truett said he wasn't sure if he was going to dress up this year because he's nine. He's since changed his mind, but this pre-teen age is so bittersweet).


I love these Magic Pants from Emerson Fry for two reasons: they look like they'd hit that delicious mark between comfortable & flattering and, two, they are named Magic Pants. When Georgia and I were in high school/college we referred to certain items of clothes as magic. Like that slouchy tee shirt that made everyone look like an effortless goddess, the pair of jeans that actually fit in exactly the right way and could never be found or bought again. The foolproof clothes, if you will.

These are pricey, but look worth it. Shoot, they're sold out. But! There is a pair in Ivory still available.


The Cashmere Crew from Everlane, in a soft, baby blue. It just looks so cozy. I have this sweater in black and would recommend sizing down. Mine is HUGE, which is comfy/slouchy, but annoying on days when I want something more fitted. 

I fall into the camp that $100 for any article of clothing is a lot (don't you love it when websites tell you a $98 shirt is a steal?), but for a cashmere sweater that should last you a lifetime, it is probably worth it.


This gorgeous, simple pale pink belt at JCrew (on sale!). 


Ok, ok. Hear me out. This purse is pretty expensive. But I've had my Nana By Sally leather purse going on - four years now? And it's as beautiful as ever, more so in fact. Plus, I waited until she had a sale & scooped mine up. I gush about these hand crafted purses to everyone I know.

Another aside: June had to get surgical glue on a gash in her forehead Friday - I can perhaps share that whole story here, although she's getting to the age when she's a bit shy about what I share with whom, so we'll see - and one of the intake staff members at the hospital complimented my purse. I was sort of in a shock/daze, but was quick to tell her about Sally's designs. A few minutes later she pushed a piece of white paper towards me so I could write down the information and I just sat there staring at her for a while, until she reminded me, "The purse designer? Her info?" It was such a surreal moment. 

So. This bag. I love it's utility look, but I would also use it as my everyday purse, computer holder etc. If you're looking for something a big more sleek, this would fit the bill nicely. 

(Lastly, and I promise I am not getting paid or kickbacks or anything for all of this obnoxious slobbering, if you follow her on instagram, you'll see her latest creations in real time).


I am so, so predictable when it comes to shoes. I wear running shoes for my slow jogging, no shoes for yoga, I have (MAYBE) one pair of fancy black heels, summertimes sandals (light brown), one pair of beat up Hunter rain boots, one pair of tall black leather boots, and of course, all the time, ballet flats. The pair my sister Summer gave me several birthdays ago actually have a hole in the toe. June has recently designated herself my stylist, and I think she's pretty disappointed in my shoe collection. 


Believe it or not, according to the Almighty Internets, one of the best, most comfortable brands for soft ballet flats (I don't like the pointy, hard kind) are...get ready for it...made by Hush Puppies! I don't think I've owned a pair of Hush Puppies since I was six years old, but the prices are pretty good, and so are the reviews. I like these in Vintage Indigo.

And how hilarious is it that they're called "Chaste"? No, I prefer mine in the Risque option.

Wynn_Designs_Heifer please

And then top it off with a funny, Sunday-morning, slouch-tastic tee shirt by my sister Summer's design company, Wynn Designs. I love this cheeky shirt.

Also her etsy shop.


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My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
