When your plans for a Brooklyn Brownstone ish Halloween become more Miss Havesham
I wanted to stack heirloom pumpkins and create a spooky, cobwebby scene on our front stoop. You know, kind of like some stylish Brooklyn-ite might put on her brownstone stoop.
Instead, our chickens began pecking the pumpkins, and then the squirrels jumped in. I mean, literally. We found one waist deep in the bright orange bottom pumpkin.
So I give you our Miss Havesham stoop instead ;)
See the hanging rat?
By June, This is the Zombie House.
Truett's impaled, disembodied zombie hand, creeping out of the water meter.
Love this post! So many things about it--the Miss Havisham reference, the unabashed love of fall, June's note, Truett's zombie hand, and, and, and, and. (As someone Hope and I both know used to say.)
Posted by: Miriam | October 12, 2017 at 03:24 PM