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Renovation with pictures - almost done!

Marling floors finished hallway

We are ALMOST done at the renovation house! In the last two weeks - along with my computer being in the shop on and off for weeks - we've had the counters installed, floors refinished, patched some concrete on the walkway (mostly Bud's doing) & the backsplash/sink went in just today!

If you follow me on instagram you'll also see that my real estate agent and her team staged the house and it looks so good. I find myself wanting to stay more and more when I'm over there. It oddly feels like a second home.

Here are some pictures, if you'd like to see and! most importantly perhaps, we're having a pre-opening party this Friday, 4 - 7 and you're all invited. If you are in the Columbia area, I would love it if you stopped by. I'll post an invitation to Facebook shortly, but consider this a heads up. The address is: 2642 Marling Drive 29204.

Marling walkway patch

Marling counters in truck

Marling counter example

Marling floors being sanded

Marling bathroom - after


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My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
