Celebrating Mommy Ann
In November my beloved grandmother died. To all of her grandchildren, and greats, she was called Mommy Ann.
It was weird, and hard, losing my last grandparent because I think my subconscious had decided she would always be there: doing puzzles, looking impossibly stylish, cooking dinner with a Tom Collins in hand. When you think of those old-school beauties who walked through life with (seemingly) effortless class, that was Mommy Ann.
To celebrate, my aunt set up a beautiful party at her house in Cincinnati where we all ate, drank, chatted & were merry & were sad. Georgia put together a slide show that was unbearable to watch, but in the good way. How can someone feel so close and be gone? It's still hard sometimes.
As I walked around the party, catching up with cousins & aunts (there are males in this family, they're just...rare), I kept remarking to myself how much I liked everyone. Not just because they're family, but genuine appreciation for how much I wanted to keep hanging out. And how I kind of wish we hadn't all scattered to the four winds ;)
Here are a few pictures from our weekend, if you'd like to see, and I hope you're doing well. xo
Here's a picture with Aurelia - we were making angry faces at each other, because, at three and a half, she was over it.
The kiddos celebrated Mommy Ann by...being kids.