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How to sleep gently & well

GDI - bed imgrum

Good Lord I've spent half the morning researching the best hotel beds + the best way to get those beds at home (The Vendue in Charleston is said to have heavenly beds). What is my problem? My problem is that I love to sleep and am not ashamed to admit it. 

Ever since reading this brilliant article, I keep running this quote from Rumi through my head, "every human being streams at night into the loving nowhere,"

I struggled with sleep during my worst bout with anxiety, and have so many family members and friends who do, too. Which is a shame, considering just how lovely it really is.

Your room should be cool at night - like, 65 degrees - and dark. Our sweet, beloved neighbor has an orange street lamp in his backyard. I've still got to get a blackout blind for that window.

And...your bed. I once went to the store in college just to buy a comfortable pillow, came home, encased it and took a long nap. 

We have a king size memory foam with a down comforter and (mostly) down pillows. Now I'm on the hunt for a feather top and new sheets.

I discovered Brook Linen, a company highly rated for affordable, luxury bedding (not cheap, but not crazy).

And I'd love to get this essential featherbed from West Elm.

What'd you think? Any tips on the best sleep ever? 

(Rumi quote, above photo


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