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An update on the hygge challenge

GDI - Kinfolk Hygge

If you're participating, how is your hygge challenge going? Isn't it fun just to dream up ways to feel cozy & connected?

Since beginning this challenge last week, I've been lighting candles almost every night at dinner, Bud & I cozied up with a glass of red wine and the new Downton Abbey & I shamelessly invited us over to dinner at our neighbor's house for this Thursday (hi Jane!). We'll bring wine and dessert, they'll have carbonara (how yummy does that sound?)

I'm also fascinated by this family's Friday Night Meatball ritual. Wouldn't that be something warm and fun to look forward to all week?

I'm reading this really good novel called The Home Place.

And the cherry on top - I've started a book club. We'll meet for the first time in February (reading this book) and share brunchy food, gossip and, of course, some book talk.

Have you done anything cozy, fun, friendship-y?

PS - my sisters and I are also putting together a girls' trip complete with an in-room massage and cocktails. :) 

(image via Kinfolk - also includes a good article on office hygge)


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My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
