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Hot chocolate bar

Grape Did It - hot chocolate labels

Last weekend we had our Christmas cocktail party (at my friend's house) and I, ahem, might've had a little too much fun (see picture below, rocking this red lipstick).

So for the kids we'll be having a cocoa & caroling party here at our house. Have you ever hosted one?

I'd like to keep it simple: big thermoses of hot chocolate, candy canes, marshmallows and bowls of candy. Chips for a salty balance?

GDI - hot chocolate bar

What'd you think? Upcycled Treasures (both pictures above) has some great ideas - and those are free printable labels!

Grape Did It - cocktail party Bud Hope

PS - do you have a funny or crazy holiday party story? I'd love to hear!


Beautiful lip color, also you can NEVER have too much
fun !!

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My Photo Hi! I'm Hope. Welcome to my website all about: style, food, travel & parenting. I live in Columbia, SC with my husband and two bebes.
